Sector Rotation 101: Unlocking the Mysteries of Market Cycles


There are many different strategies that can be used to help guide your investing choices. Many of them take a view on the future and prepare your portfolio to reap the rewards, if or when the time comes. Sector rotation is one such strategy.

This investing strategy is meant to acknowledge and proactively react to the market cycle. We know that the economy is cyclical, meaning that different products and services gain and lose importance as people’s needs and wants change. The sector rotation strategy takes these phases into account and plans for your money to move into the rising sectors and out of the waning sectors. This way, your money remains in the best-performing and thus, best-earning sectors throughout the economic cycle.

What do we mean by a ‘sector’? Consider the economy: there are a lot of different types of businesses providing various types of products and services. However, some businesses deliver similar products. These companies that provide a similar product/service can be grouped together into a sector. Investing companies would fall under the financial services sector. Smartphone manufacturers and software companies offer different products, but both fall under the technology sector. However, the wireless technology and broadband necessary to fully enjoy everything a smartphone can do would fall into the communications sector.

The sectors perform differently based on the ebb and flow of the economy, which itself is dependent on the ebb and flow of human demand. It makes sense that products that do well in summer may not be as in demand in the winter. Keeping track of the market cycle and which sectors do well at which points can have a significant impact on keeping your portfolio lucrative all year long.

How it works

Sector rotation is an active investing strategy. It requires a person to actively keep track of the market, compare current shifts and patterns to the past and use this information to plan how to distribute your portfolio so it can glide into the right sectors at the right time. This is possible because investors have identified that the economy moves in a reasonably predictable cycle. There are many terms used to describe the different phases of the cycle, the below graphic lists some of the more popular ones: